Tuesday, January 20, 2009

the first post

here is our boat! up until now, we have just been calling her the ugly duckling. We found her online for sale and decided, she was the one for us! similar to a steel boat we had plans to build, she put us 1 step ahead.

But alas- we were in alaska and she was in california. so we packed up all our stuff and shipped it all to california, and hopped a jet to the big world of the lower 48.

after months of lost paperwork, missed calls, and general bs, we got to take the tittle in to the dmv and register her in our names! wow! finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

finally after long hours of searching and many months of traveling-we own our boat-Mjolnir.


ma said...

but don't you remember the roadside toilets in Spain? two footprints, that showed you where to put your feet, so you were positioned over the hole in the ground?


jim and larissa said...

yes i remember that well-but at least there you didn't have to touch anything.